
The science of making better risk decisions.

Related Consulting

  1. QRAs
  2. Industrial Explosions
  3. Fire and Smoke Hazards
  4. LNG


The Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) developed by NIST is routinely used by SciRisq to provide fire, smoke and gas dispersion analysis.

SciRisq personnel have the ability to work with clients existing PDMS or CAD models to develop representations of the facility of interest and perform complex 3D analysis of potential fires using FDS. Such efforts are extremely useful in determining the real risks to existing facilities or those being designed. It also allows for a more accurate assessment of the exposure of personnel to hazards.

FDS is also used to determine the thermal hazards associated with events such as flaring during process upsets.


Smoke produced from a hydrocarbon fire on a drill ship as calculated with FDS.



Thermal radiation levels on a floating facility during flaring as calculated with FDS.