
The science of making better risk decisions.

Related Expertise

  1. Fluid Mechanics
  2. Risk Analysis
  3. Thermal Analysis
  4. Gas Dispersion

Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRAs) 

SciRisq has performed numerous QRAs of existing oil and gas facilities both onshore and offshore. These projects have allowed our customers to determine the risk drivers that threatened their personnel and property and help them make changes to bring the facilities within their company standards. These projects have also included the assessment of facilities under design, thereby integrating risk as a design objective.

SciRisq routinely uses their RisqCAD tool for these projects. Output provided includes frequency at which critical consequence levels are exceeded throughout the facility as well as F-N and exceedance data used to develop Design Accident Loads.



















ArrowSample results related to frequency of thermal hazards used in a QRA.