
The science of making better risk decisions.

Related Consulting

  1. QRA
  2. Industrial Explosions
  3. Fire and Smoke Hazards
  4. LNG
  5. Dust Explosions
  6. Facility Vulnerability

Gas Dispersion

The dispersion of chemicals is of interest to the energy and petrochemical industry as well as emergency response professionals. SciRisq personnel have performed analysis of chemical dispersions for both communities. These efforts have been used to determine the risks to personnel from toxic materials as well as assessing their potential to feed an explosion.

Many times this analysis is performed as part of our QRA work.
When performed for emergency response agencies the results have validate response strategies and operational plans. Analysis tools used by SciRisq have included FLACS, FDS, CEBAM and RisqCAD.


Jetting of a hydrocarbon due to an accidental hole in a process equipment.



Analysis of accidental chlorine release in a city.