
The science of making better risk decisions.

Related Expertise

  1. Fluid Mechanics
  2. Combustion
  3. Gas Dispersion
  4. Structural Damage

Industrial Explosion  

SciRisq personnel have performed numerous projects for energy and chemical companies assessing the potential of vapor cloud explosions (VCEs). The execution of the project is always carried out with a focus on the customer’s objectives. Some are interested in a worst-case scenario while others request a risk-based approach that produces probabilistic based design accident loads (DALs).

VCE analysis is routinely performed as part of our QRA work. These projects have helped our customers optimize their design, saving resources while ensuring the safety of their personnel.

Analysis tools used by SciRisq have included CEBAM, FLACS and RisqCAD.fpso

VCE on an FPSO.



Example overpressure calculation for a VCE on an offshore facility.